I have a question about cell phone towers. We have three towers in our area. A Verizon tower, an FCC tower, and a CECOMS tower. These towers all have back up generators if I understand correctly. Does anybody else deal with these towers? I have no experience with them. Do we have jurisdiction for inspections, or does it fall to a state or county inspector? What other hazards should I be aware of to keep our responding crews safe?
Cory Igneczi Fire Inspector
Highland Hills Fire Prevention Bureau
(216) 591-2311
When constructed, the tower would need to have plans approved by the local building authority, with FD input if your department has asked that of the building department. The AST for the generator needs approval, either AHJ or the SFM. Inspections are up to the AHJ, they should be done annually, but we have found it is very difficult to make contact and schedule an inspection.