NEO Regional Fusion Center Intelligence Liaison Officer (ILO) Class

A Notice From The Northeast Ohio Regional Fusion Center:

The Northeast Ohio Regional Fusion Center (NEORFC) will be hosting a 1 day ILO (Intelligence Liaison Officer) training soon.  The mission of the ILO Program is to incorporate the fire service into the local, state, and national intelligence community and to foster timely reporting of information to the Northeast Ohio Regional Fusion Center for the purpose of analysis, sharing, and dissemination of intelligence; the fundamental goal of the Intelligence Liaison Officer (ILO) Program is to increase local, statewide and regional intelligence collaboration by building relationships on a grass-roots level with local representatives. The ILO Program provides local agencies and first responders an increased intelligence competency. Agencies may enhance their street-level intelligence collection by having trained ILOs with the ability to recognize threat indicators and report suspicious activity through their agency to the NEORFC.

Download the remainder of this members-only notice, information and application form here:  NEORFC ILO Class Notice